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ISLAMI Books :

Read Books : Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri (461)

Exegesis of the Holy Quran (Sura al-Fatiha; Part-I)
Exegesis of the Holy Quran (Sura al-Baqara)
Gnostic Pathways Denoted in the Word Qur’an
Sura al-Fatiha and the Development of Personality
The Names of Sura al-Fatiha
Sura al-Fatiha and the Concept of Guidance
Styles of Sura al-Fatiha and the System of Ideological Dynamism and Pragmatism
Sura al-Fatiha and Spiritual Teachings
Sura al-Fatiha and Human Life’s Aspect of Faith
Sura al-Fatiha and its Premier Value
Premier Glory of Sura al-Fatiha and the Light of Muhammad (PBUH)
Sura al-Fatiha and the Concept of Worship
The Philosophy of Seeking Refuge with Allah
Beginning the Qur’an with the Name of Allah
The Philosophy of Beginning with the Name of Allah
The Gnostic Secrets of the Name ‘Allah’
Scientific Research about ‘the Sustainer of the Worlds’
Distinctive Attribute of Mercy
The Gnostic Secrets of Aya al-Kursi
The Gnostic Secrets of al-Kawthar
Unveiling the Gnosis of the Qur’anic Oaths for the Prophet (PBUH)
Blessings of the Holy Qur’an and its Recitation
The Merits of Selected Chapters of the Holy Quran
Forty Prophetic Traditions on the Virtues of the Quran
Technical Status of Kanz al-Iman
The Straight Road from the Prophetic Traditions
Charter of Guidance for the Muslim Umma Derived from the Qur’an and Hadith (vol. I)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. I)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. II)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. III)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. IV)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. V)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. VI)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. VII)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. VIII)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. IX)
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan (vol. X)
Compendium of Sunna for Posterity
The Rightly-Guiding Dissertation on Principles of Prophetic Traditions and the Branches of Islamic Doctrine
Relationship of Servitude with Allah Almighty
Collection of Prophetic Traditions on Divine Mercy
The Sublimity of the Prophetic Attributes
The Prophetic Distinction in the Worldly Attributes
The Prophetic Majesty in the Pre-resurrection Attributes
The Prophetic Conquests in the Post-resurrection Attributes
The Pure Pearls of the Prophetic Features
The Exalted Meanings of the Prophetic Traits
The Compassion and Clemency of the Chosen Prophet (PBUH)
Glad Tidings for the Believers about the Prophetic Intercession
Full-shine Blessings of Invoking Salutations on the Exalted Prophet (PBUH)
Unveiling the Love of Inanimate and Animate Kingdoms for the Sovereign of the Pious
The Majesty and Authority of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Highness of the First in Creation and the Last in Messengership
Eulogy of the Beloved Prophet (PBUH), a Source of Inner Delight: Selected Quranic Verses and Traditions
The Best Way of Excellence of Merits and Virtues of Prophets (A.S.)
The Excellence of Merits and Virtues of the Companions and Prophet’s Kindred
Virtues of Prophet’s Household
Virtues of the Companions
Merits and Virtues of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (R.A.)
Merits and Virtues of Sayyiduna Umar b. al-Khattab
Merits and Virtues of Sayyiduna ‘Uthman b. ‘Affan
Merits and Virtues of Sayyiduna ‘Ali (R.A.)
Merits and Virtues of the Mothers of the Believers (may Allah be well pleased with them)
Glittering Pearls of the Virtues of Sayyida Fatima (S.A.)
Virtues of Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn (R.A.)
The Rebuttal of Sayyiduna ‘Ali’s Sovereignty
Authentic Saying about the Awaited Imam: Mahdi (A.S.)
Merits and Virtues of Saints and the Pious
Glaring Signs of Merits and Virtues
Arba‘in Series: Blessings of the Visitation of the Prophet’s Mausoleum
Intercession Substantiated by Fine Traditions
Seeking Blessings and Intermediation of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Hanafite Manner of Ritual Prayer (in the Light of Prophetic Sunna)
An Explication of Tarawih Prayer
Establishment of Ritual Prayer, A Source of Deliverance
Supplication and Remembrance after Ritual Prayer
The Excellence of Merit of Fasting and Night Vigil
Warning to the Prophet’s Denigrators
The Philosophy of Human Rights and Proprieties
The Harmonious Way of Calling to Islam’s Peace Programme
Significance of Promoting Knowledge and Awareness
Virtues of the Remembrance of Allah and Rememberers
Authentication of Hasan’s Hearing of ‘Ali (R.A.) - Urdu
Completion of Scripture with the Chains of Authority of Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A)
The Prophetic Enlightenment on Hanafite Chains of Authority
Saints’ Narration Series: Imam al-Sulami’s Hadith Reports Contiguously Ascending (marfu‘ muttasil) to the Prophet (PBUH)
Saints’ Narration Series: Imam al-Qushayri’s Hadith Reports Contiguously Ascending (marfu‘ muttasil) to the Prophet (PBUH)
Saints’ Narration Series: Imam al-Suharwardi’s Hadith Reports Contiguously Ascending (marfu‘ muttasil) to the Prophet (PBUH)
Saints’ Narration Series: Ibn al-Arabi’s Hadith Reports Contiguously Ascending (marfu‘ muttasil) to the Prophet (PBUH)
Selection from Imam al-‘Asqalani’s Chains of Authority linked to the Leading Spiritualists and Gnostics of Divine Knowledge
Imam A‘zam’s Narrations Reported in Hadith-books
Arba‘in Series: Virtues of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Arba‘in Series: Holy Names of the Messengeri (PBUH)
Arba‘in Series: Farhatul-ul-Qulub fi Madh-in-Nabi al-Mahbub (S.W.A)
Arba‘in Series: Tuhfatu Nubala Fi Fadle Russule wl Anbiya
Arba‘in Series: The Companions’ Rapturous Love for the Beloved Messenger
Arba‘in Series: The Faith-Inspiring Incidents of the Companions l in Obedience to the Prophet (PBUH)
Arba‘in Series: Husn-ul-Kalam min Madah-e-Sahaba Khair un Anam (S.W.A)
Arba‘in Series: al-Madaih-ul-Hisan min Kalam-e-Hassan
Arba‘in Series: Excellence of Greetings and Salutations on the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Arba‘in Series: The Bestowing Mercy of the Beloved Messenger (PBUH)
al-Manhal-us-Safi fi Ziarat e Qabr-in-Nabi (PBUH)
Arba‘in Series: The Prophet (PBUH) is Alive
Arba‘in Series: Intermediation of the Prophet (PBUH)
Arba‘in Series: Nobility in Seeking Blessings from the Prophet i (PBUH)
Arba‘in Series: The Prophetic Authority on Legislative Matters
Arba‘in Series: The Prophet’s Knowledge of the Unseen
Arba‘in Series: Blessings of Donating Reward to the Deceased
Arba‘in Series: The Faith-Inspiring Visitation of Graves
Arba‘in Series: Virtues of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs
Arba‘in Series: The Remembrance of the Companions (R.A.)
Arba‘in Series: The Remembrance of Sayyiduna ‘Ali (karam Allah wajhah al-karim)
Arba‘in Series: Litanies after Obligatory Ritual Prayers
Arba‘in Series: Virtues of the Month of Ramadan
Arba‘in Series: Virtues of Supererogatory Fasting
Arba‘in Series: Virtues of the Destiny Night and Spiritual Retreat
Arba‘in Series: Blessings of Zakat
Arba‘in Series: Blessings of Charity
Arba‘in Series: Idrak fi Fazl-il-Infaq wa Zam-il-Imsak
Arba‘in Series: Virtues of Hajj and Visitation
Arba‘in Series: Lawaami fi Fadl-il-Jawaami
Khair-ul-Kalam fil-Jumua Sayyid-il-Ayyam
Nuzool-ul-Farhatain fi Yawm-il-Eidayn
Arba‘in Series: Virtues of the Two Sanctuaries (Mecca and Medina)
Al-Hadith Al-Asanid: As-Subul al-Wahabiyya fi al-Asanid adh-Dhahabiyya
Al-Hadith Al-Asanid: Al-Jawahir al-Bahira fi al-Asanid at-Tahira
Pillars of Faith
Pillars of Islam
Witnessing the Oneness of God
The Reality of the Oneness of Allah and the Messengership
Belief in Messengership
Belief in the Revealed Books
Belief in the Destiny
Belief in the Day of Resurrection
The Three Grades of Islamic Faith:
Iman and Islam
Who is a Believer?
Hypocrisy and its Signs
Book on Oneness of Allah (vol. I)
The Philosophy of Ritual Prayer
Book on Oneness of Allah (vol. II)
The Proprieties of the Ritual Prayer
The Ritual Prayers and the Philosophy of Collectivity
Book on Innovation
Book on Intermediation
The Ritual Prayer’s Philosophy of Ascension
Intermediation: in the Eyes of Jurists and Hadith-Scholars
Beseeching for Help and its Legal Status
The Philosophy of Fasting
Book on Intercession
The Reality of Spiritual Retreat
Belief in the Knowledge of the Unseen
The Philosophy of Hajj
Post-Demise Life of the Prophet
Holy Journey
The City of Medina and Visit to the Prophet’s Mausoleum
Supplication and its Manners
Who is a Believer?
The Concept of Innovation and its Legal Status
The Application of the Word ‘Innovation’
The Kinds of Innovation
Innovation: Views of the Imams and Hadith-Scholars
The Birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH):
Is Celebration of the Prophet’s Birth an Innovation?
The Rituals of Milad Celebrations
Protection of the Prophet’s Dignity
Sending of Blessings to the Deceased and its Legal Status
Visitation of Graves
The Blessed Objects and their Legal Status
The Medials of Law
The Concept of Beseeching for Help
Scholarly Judgment on Objections against Dreams and Glad Tidings
The Philosophy of Sunni School of Thought
The Path to Beliefs
Seven Pillars of the Belief in Oneness of God
The Preliminaries of the Belief in Oneness of God
Belief in the Oneness of God and the Concept of other than Allah
Belief in the Oneness of God and the Commonality of Attributes
Demands of Care in Beliefs
Veneration and Worship
Pillars of Belief in Oneness of God
Preamble to the Biography of the Messenger (PBUH) (part-I)
Preamble to the Biography of the Messenger (PBUH) (part-II)
Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Attributes of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Features of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Holy Names of the Prophet (PBUH)
The Blessings of the Prophet (PBUH)
The Light of Muhammad (PBUH): From Creation to Birth
History of Celebration of the Birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Philosophy of Prophet’s Ascension (PBUH)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH):
The Gnostic Secrets of the Name ‘Muhammad’ (PBUH)
The Qur’an and the Prophetic Features
The Eye-Brightening Remembrance of the Beloved Messenger (PBUH)
The Secrets of al-Shifa in Introducing the Prophet’s Rights
The Exegesis of the Qur’anic Verse on Light
The Praiseworthy Station of the Prophet (PBUH)
The Covenant of the Realm of Spirits and the Majesty of Allah’s Beloved Messenger (PBUH)
The Prophetic Glory on the Day of Reckoning
The Memoirs of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Remembrance of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Greetings and Salutation
The Virtues of Greetings and Salutations
The Virtues of Greetings and Salutations and the Prophet’s Majesty
The Pivot of Faith
The Prophet’s Love:
The Prophet’s love:
The Slavery to the Beloved Messenger (PBUH):
The Captives of Prophet’s Beauty
Relationship with the Prophet (PBUH):
Basic Principles of the Study of Prophet’s Life
The Aesthetic Exposition on the Prophet’s life
Religious Significance of the Life of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Constitutional Importance of Life of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
The State Import of the Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
The Administrative Import of the Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
The Scientific Import of the Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
The Personal and Prophetic Import of the Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
The Cultural and Civilizational Import of the Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
The Economic Significance of the Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Historical Importance of Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
Contemporary and International Importance of Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)
The Ideological and Progressive Philosophy of the Qur’an and Biography of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Belief in the Finality of Prophethood
The Life and Raising of Jesus Christ and the Birth of the Awaited Imam
Belief in Finality of Prophethood and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadian
Mirza Qadiani and the Claim of Legislative Prophethood
The Mental State of Mirza Qadiani
The Belief in Finality of Prophethood and the Conflicting Stance of Mirza Qadiani
The Denmark Debate
Terrorism and the Tribulation of the Kharijites
The Dictates of the Islamic Law
The Sanctity of Muslim Blood
The Philosophy of Religious Reconstruction and Contemporary World
The Religious Reconstruction and its Confines
The Divine Text and its Interpretation
The Legal Method of Research
The Status of al-Hidaya and its Author in the History of Jurisprudence
The Path to Follow in Tackling Problems
The Quranic Concept of ‘No Coercion in Din’
The Problems of Contemporary world and Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
The Curricula of Training (part-I)
The Path to Sermons on Fridays and ‘Id Days
The Legal Concept of Islamic Commandments
The Philosophy of Religious Reconstruction and Modern Age
Criminology and Islamic jurisprudence
The Excellence of Actions
The Excellence of States
The Excellence of Morality
The Reality of Spiritualism
The Practical Guide for Mysticism and Spiritualism
Islamic Training Curriculum (part-I)
Islamic Training Curriculum (part-II)
Obedience to God
Remembrance of God
Love of God
Fear of Allah and its Requisites
Remembrance and the Company of the Pious
The Morality of the Prophets
The Purgation of heart and inner self
The Spiritual Disorder and its Cure
Life is a Clash between Good and Evil
Everyone is a Slave to his Likes and Dislikes
Our Real Homeland
Crime, Repentance and Eeform
The Classes of Servants:
The Qur’anic Concept of Nature
The Qur’anic Way of Training
The Purification of Heart (Sindhi Translation)
The Blessings of Muhammad (PBUH)
The Blessings of the Greetings and Salutations - Urdu
A Collection of the Prophet’s Supplications and Litanies
Devotions of Allah’s Remembrance
The God-Given Entreats
The Excellent Source of Salutations for the Birthday Celebrations
Greetings for the Holy Prophet (PBUH) contained in the Qur’anic Surahs
The Alphabetic Names of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
The Salutation of the Universe
The Salutation for the Birth Celebrations
The Salutation for the Prophetic Features
The Virtuous Salutation
The Salutation of Ascension
The Salutation of the Masters
The Supplications of Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin
Economic System of Islam (Reconstruction)
Islamic Concept of Ownership
Islam and Public Welfare
The Interim Sketch of Interest-Free Banking
Interest-Free Banking and Islamic Economy
Economic Problem and its Islamic Solution
The Basics of Islamic Economic System
Why Electric Energy is Costly? What are IPPs?
The Islamic Principles of Economy
The Interest-Free Economy and Islamic Banking System
The Qur’anic Philosophy of Revolution (vol. I)
The Qur’anic Philosophy of Revolution (vol. II)
The Islamic Philosophy of Life
The Highway to Thoughts (vol. I)
The Highway to Thoughts (vol. II)
The Highway to Thoughts (vol. III)
The Minhaj-ul-Quran Movement: Thoughts and Guidance
The Minhaj-ul-Quran Movement: Interviews
The Minhaj-ul-Quran Movement: The Concept of Din
Gifted Capacity to Serve Religion
Quranic Philosophy of Preaching
The Objective of Raising of the Prophets (A.S.)
Our Religious Decline and the Three-Pronged Path to Stem it
Three-Pronged Attack of Falsehood on Faith and its Eradication
Four Fronts of Falsehood’s Offensive in Contemporary Age
The Islamic Concept of Balance and Moderation
Why is Youth Aloof from Religion?
The Dynamic Thought of Minhaj-ul-Quran International
The Traditional Politics or the Prophetic Revolution
Bedari-e-Shaoor (Zaroorat-o-Ahmiyyat)
The Real Change in Pakistan—how and why?
Siyasat nahin, Riyasat Bachao:
Sada-e-Inqilab (Majmua e Khitabat)
The Intellectual and Ideological Basis of the Establishment of Pakistan
Four Elements of a Collective Dynamic Character
Important Interviews
The Islamic Concept of Knowledge
Knowledge—Acquired or Creative
Reform-Seeking Aspects of Religious and Secular Science
Interview on Educational Issues
The Reality of Holy Struggle (Jihad)
The Holy Struggle with Wealth
How to End Sectarianism?
The Prophetic System
Attaining Objectives and Coveted Results
Prophetic Struggle and its Achievements
The Prophet of Revolution and the Book of Revolution
The Quranic Philosophy of Rise and Fall
An Open Challenge to Evil Forces
The Journey of Revolution
Role of Students in the Prophetic Revolution
Life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and persisted struggle
The Constitutional Analysis of Medina Pact
Fundamental Characteristics of Islamic Law
The Islamic Concept of Human Nature
Comparative study of Islamic and Western Law
The Quranic Path to Socialization
Islamic Concept of Imprisonment and Jail
The Minhaj-ul-Quran Institute
Elections or Electoral System?
The Political Stand-off and its Islamic Solution
Islamabad Long March
Concept of Religion and Political Aspect of the Prophet’s Life
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a Political Reformer
The Tribulation of Kharijites
Protection of Life and Property of non-Muslims in an Islamic State
New World Order and Islamic world
Future Political Programme
The Islamis Solution to the Political Problem (Sindhi Translation)
The Paragon of Prophet’s Love: Sayyiduna Siddiq Akbar (R.A.)
Sayyiduna Siddiq Akbar’s Status of Nearness and Companionship
The Virtues of Sayyiduna Farooq Azam (R.A.)
Love of Sayyiduna ‘Ali (R.A.)
The Life of Sayyida Khadija al-Kubra (R.A)
Life of Sayyida ‘A’isha Siddiqa (R.A.)
Life of Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra (R.A.)
Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A.S.):
Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A.S.):
Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A.S.):
Martyrdom of Imam Husayn and love for Imam Hussain (A.S.)
The Great Slaughter—Isma‘il to Husayn (A.S.)
Imam Abu Hanifa: The Leading Imam in Hadith (vol. I)
Imam Azam’s Benefitting from the Companions and Imams of Prophet’s Household
Imam Azam and Imam Bukhari (R.A.)
An Account of Imam A‘zam’s Hadith Collections (Masanid)
Eminent Hadith-Scholars among the Disciples of Imam A‘zam
Imam A‘zam’s Authenticity and Authority
Shah Wali Allah Muhaddith Dihlawi and the Philosophy of Self
The Scholarly Discipline of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Brelvi)
Iqbal’s Dream and Today’s Pakistan
Iqbal and the message of the Prophet’s love
Iqbal and the concept of love
Iqbal’s Man of Faith
Islam and modern science
The Creation of Universe
The Creation and Evolution of Man and Universe
Precautionary Measures against Heart Diseases
The Eminent Station of Saints
Human Rights in Islam
Rights of Parents
Women Rights in Islam
Role of Woman in an Islamic Society
Rights of Minorities in Islam
Rights of Children in Islam
Rights of the Old and the Disabled in Islam
Islamic Teachings Series (1): Teachings of Islam
Islamic Teachings Series (2): Peace and submission (Islam)
Islamic Teachings Series (3): Faith (Iman)
Islamic Teachings Series (4): Spiritual and Moral Excellence (Ihsan)
Islamic Teachings Series (5): Cleanliness and Prayer
Islamic Teachings Series (6): Fasting and Spiritual Retreat
Islamic Teachings Series (7): Hajj and Visitation
The Glorious Quran
Nisab e Itikaf
Quranic Concept of Human Guidance
Islamic Concept of Human Nature
Islam on Mercy & Compassion
Muhammad (PBUH) The Merciful
Prophetic Virtues & Miracles
Righteous Character & Social Interactions
Mawlid al-Nabi: Celebration and Permissibility
The Ghadir Declaration
Virtues of Sayyidah Fatimah (S.A.)
The Awaited Imam
Pearls of Remembrance
Islamic Concept of Intermediation (Tawassul)
Beseeching for Help (Istighathah)
Real Islamic Faith and the Prophet’s Status
Sirat-ur-Rasul (PBUH), vol. 1
Greetings and Salutations on  the Prophet (PBUH)
Salawat auf den Propheten (PBUH)
Introduction to the Fatwa on Suicide Bombings and Terrorism
Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings
Fatwa: Suicide Bombing and Terrorism (Norwegian)
Fatwa: Suicide Bombing and Terrorism (German)
Fatwa: Suicide Bombing and Terrorism (French)
Relations of Muslims with Non-Muslims
The Supreme Jihad
Philosophy of Ijtihad and the Modern World
Ijtihad (meanings, application and scope)
Divine Pleasure (the Ultimate Ideal)
Quranic Philosophy of Benevolence (Ihsan)
Islamic Philosophy of Human Life
Islam in Various Perspectives
Islamic Concept of Knowledge
Islamic Penal System and its Philosophy
Islamic Concept of Law
Quranic Basis of Constitutional Theory
Imam Bukhari and the Love of the Prophet (PBUH)
Creation of Man
Quran on Creation and Expansion of the Universe
Creation and Evolution of the Universe
Islam on Prevention of Heart Diseases
Spiritualism and Magnetism
Peace, Integration & Human Rights
Clarity Amidst Confusion: Imam Mahdi and End of Time
Islam and Freedom of Human Will
Teachings of Islam Series: Peace and Submission
Teachings of Islam Series: Faith
Islam awr Ahl e Kitab
Teachings of Islam Series: Spiritual & Moral Excellence
Teachings of Islam Series: Purification & Prayer
Teachings of Islam Series: Fasting and Spiritual Retreat
Zakat awr Sadaqa
Ma`arij al-Sunan li al-Najat min al-Dalal wa al-Fitan